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A bench in a park next to a tree.

Youth Engagement: Haliburton County CSWB

Welcome to Haliburton County’s Community Safety and Well-Being Survey for youth aged 12 to 24.

The information collected in this survey will be used to inform Haliburton County's Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. For more information about that Plan, visit the CSWB page on the County of Haliburton website here

As the survey respondent you will not be identified in any published survey reports or findings. The survey results and findings may appear in the CSWB Plan and other various public reports, and/or be included in various presentations or shared with community partners. While this survey is connected to the CSWB Youth Art Exhibition, participants in that project are not required to respond to the survey, and survey respondents are not required to participate in the art exhibition. 

Thank you for your time, help and support in filling out this survey. We appreciate hearing your thoughts! 

For questions or comments, please share your comments in the last question of the survey, or email directly to

Haliburton County's Page on a Plan notes four priority areas: housing and homelessness; poverty and employment; mental health, substance use and addiction and healthcare and system access. Enablers - or supports required to facilitate plan success - include transportation (public and active), internet connectivity, streamlined system access/navigation, continuous stakeholder and community engagement and data collection and sharing. Risks - or factors that pose barriers to plan success - include funding capacity, environment and climate change; geographic distribution; population/demographic based challenges and public health threats. The plan on a page image also lists three goals under each priority area which include increasing access to and awareness of employment, support services and wraparound support. More information on the Plan, priority and goals can be found at the link above or here: